I think the best way to start this blog is telling everyone my fertility struggle. Also what i learned and mistakes i did. My goal it to let more people be more aware about infertility. The struggles you might have and how to help you be more informed about it.
Being a first time mom and thinking back to when i was in high school. Nobody told me how hard its going to be to get pregnant. They will just tell you" IF YOU HAVE SEX YOU WILL GET PREGNANT OR GET AN STD". that's it! well that what i interpreted sex ED class. Little did i know at that time it will take me one year and 2 miscarriages to finally have my baby.
I started trying around October 2016 got my positive test in march 2016.
i was around 10 weeks when i miscarried. it was very painful, and ill tell you why. not painful that i was in pain even though i was having contractions. it was painful because i could not do anything to prevent it. i called my doctor and was told the same thing. there is nothing they can do at so early in the pregnancy to help. At that point is just waiting to see when the bleeding will stop. i fainted twice the second time on the toilet. my sister say i was out and noticed i was not breathing. she started to do CPR and slapping me to react but nothing. when i was gaining conciseness i can hear her talking to 911 operator. and my poor nephew calling my name. a min later i hear my boyfriend running in to the room. then was taken to the hospital the ride there was not fun and hospital did get checked they said their sorry s and sent me home. never didn't get the chance to see baby because the my first ultrasound was 2 days later. i cried in the room when i went, they told me to go anyways because they wanted to make sure everything was out.
At the doctors they told me to wait 3 cycles (periods) to try again. the uterus needs to recover and that how long it takes. so i did, well a bit more than that.
In July i got another positive test but before confirming it with the doctors i started bleeding in other words i got my period at this point i was 1 week late and 5 positive tests. i felt like crap. again i waited 3 months, even though i was early in this one i still wanted to make sure my lady parts recover.
After that i was scared to get pregnant. month after month i tried different ways to conceive.
- Sex positions
- lifting my legs for 20 every time we ( he finished).
- eating pineapple
- sex everyday
- checking my discharge everyday to see if i was close or ovulating..
So here the deal with this. the method is to have sex every other day and everyday on you most fertile week and keep going at if every other day. the goal here is to have sperm already in your tubes waiting for the sperm.
What i did was i had sex every other day for that entire cycle, i also tracked my discharge.
Like a crazy person i peed on a stick almost everyday up to two times a day. At last i got a positive on December 2016. My baby girl was born August 18th 2017 5lb 7oz
1in 7 women have problems conceiving. scary i know!
What affects Fertility-
- Age- 25% in your 20ies the age of 27 it starts declining, Age 35 dramatically drops to 15% chance.
- How you eat-Eating healthy gives you the vitamins you need. Even some foods boosts your chances.
- Emotional stress- i know its hard but it drops your chances and/or you will harm baby when pregnant.
- Weight is a big one too or if you are under weight.
- Water Water Water. i hate water an i struggled. For those who are just like me, its ok you can do it. if i did you can.
- fruit especially pineapples. its known that pineapple cores help to boost fertility.
- Know your discharge and listen to your body. It sounds gross but check it every day. Look up the different stages of it and track it. it help me a lot.
- Apps many give you a window, but always know they might be of by two day or three off. either you ovulate late or early.
So there you go that's my story and little tips. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. there's a lot i know that i did not mention.
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